On 7 September 2013, I attended Warp Zone. It was hold at Vondelbunker in Amsterdam. My friends and I arrived very early that day around 1pm. At that time there weren't many guest at that time since they were still setting up. There were quite some stuff that has been set up already, such as art work, laptops with old games on it, and of course they already set up the items they are planning to sell. As time is going by, the setting up is almost done and guest started to arrive. Everyone was enjoying them self by talking to each other, playing games, or buying items.
I can't exactly remember around what time but I think around 4pm or 5pm that they started to show animations that were made by students, There were a lot of them that I likes some confused me but that could be me XD. When it was done showing a lot a animations, they took a break and a guys started to play some chip tunes. Unfortunately chip tunes is not really my thing so I spend the time outside talking to people. After the chip tunes were done, they showed the 2nd part of the animations, and ones again there were some that I really like, some I didn't and some confusing me. I stayed until they were ending before saying goodbey to every and heading off. I really enjoyed Warp zone, I hope that everyone that went there also enjoyed it.
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