MV Teaser:
In the teaser we see Jaejoong running towards a crowd crow and we see a lot of scene that goes by very fast in all the scenes we see Jaejoong wearing black a bit of a gothic style. There is much exposed in the trailer of the song.
Full MV:
As this song is written by Jaejoong him self, I was surprised as well that it turned out so well. Being his first solo album I loved every single song of the album, but I especially love Mine. Also first time hearing Jaejoong using more of a screaming vocal than his usual smoothing vocals.
The outfits he wears is something that kpop artist wouldn't exactly wear. The clothings are very dark like gothic style and the way he wears colour lenses and different make-up used really matches the song very well. I was surprised of the props he used but I have to admit that I really like the way it has been used. I was also a bit surprised that he was going for such a dark concept, but I really liked it that he is showing a different side of him.
A nice review! I really loved his solo album especially the song, 나만의 위로.
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