Monday, 29 July 2019 | By: xhelentx

Life update

Hello everyone,

I realised that I haven't update for about 4 years now. For the people that do take time to read this, thank you!

In the past 4years a lot has happened, I quit school and started working full time, my 5 yrs relationship has ended. I went through a lot of unhappy times. I also went through a mental breakdown and it took me a very long time to get comfortable around people again and building trust in people. 

I quit school because of the breakdown I had and close after that my ex broke up with me after 5 years together. I had a hard time to accept that and went to going out (don't worry I don't drink alcohol). I did it as a way out to keep myself busy. Very soon after that I regretted it and stopped doing it.

When the time is right good thing will come. Few months ago my best friend asked me if I was interested to go back into the ICT. I said yes without thinking since working with computers is a passion of mine. So in coming November I will move to Ireland to start a new job and a new chapter in life. I hope that things will work out well. 

So this it my current life update, I do not know when I will update it again, maybe I will update me live in Ireland. Who knows.

Signing off,
