YAAAAAY another concert to add to my list I have been to ^_^.
First of all the concert was amazing. HITT is so much more handsome in real life than on picture. He is also super nice he had a lot of fan interaction, super nice of him. So let me start from the beginning. First of all it was said that we can film and take pictures of the first 2 songs because HITT want us to enjoy the concert and don't want to see a lot of cameras in his face. So I of course filmed/took pictures the first 2 songs. I don't remeber if it was the 3rd or 5th song, he pulled a girl on stage and kept turning her and then gave her a hug. Afterwards he pulled me on stage and start making me dance ^_^" and then gave me a hug (I am still kinda in shock of that) when I was on stage my mind went blank and didn't know what to do. Afterwards he pulled a guy on stage and was clapping to the song and he also received a hug from HITT. Someone screamed that he isn't called HITT but HOT XD
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtxR7kW0NmU?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360]Setlist:
1. HEY ! HATE !
3. Kakko tsuke man
4. With you
5. Sakura Romance
6. Sexy Galaxy
7. LaLiLaLuLaLoLa
10. face
12. I’m crazy for you!
13. ShinuhodoAishitakatta ShinuhodoAisaretakatta
14. Last March
15. My name is HITT
A group of girls gave HITT a mirror with a small message on the back, and throughout the night he was using that mirror instead of his own (so nice of him) and he kept say "So Handsome" in the mirror. At some point he was having a drink and he wanted to sit down and he fell (I think he did it on purpose) and he found a string on the stage (someone threw that on stage) and he called them pervert. It was such a funny moment, he then put the string on over his pants (awkward moment), he did take them of afterwards.
Whenever he is taking a break to have a drink he will have a small interaction with the fans. At some point there was a girl who had kind of a lease on her and HITT pulled her on stage. He told her to bark and then the girl barked but then she meowed. HITT was like a dog or a cat? At the end of the concert he said that he doesn't want to leave and that he is going to take that girl with him to Japan (then everyone said they want to go with him)

I bought some merchandise of course. I bought bought a t-shirt, pictures, 2 CD, DVD delux edition (which comes in a pretty bag) and last I was able to take a polaroid picture with him and got it signed <3 When we were taking pictures he kept looking at me with puppy eyes, at that time I totally was lost at words couldn't say anything at all except hi ^_^" (I know this sound really weird but he smell extremely nice) After the concert and taking picture with him, me and my friends went outside the venue, at some point HITT came out to leave for his hotel (which was around the corner) he said goodbye to us and waved at us. After that I asked my little brother if he knew where he went and he said end of the street >.< I was waiting for my parents to pick me up and Me and my friends happen to stand outside his hotel place and we didn't knew at all. At some point he came down (leaving around 00:30) he saw us and came to us to say goodbye and shaked our hands again, he was packing up everything into the car. I wanted to wait until he left and waved at him but then my parents arrived >.<

At the end I had an amazing concert + day, he promised to come back again next time <3