My friend won 2 tickets to see A(エース) in Utrecht and I was lucky that I was able to go along with him. So I knew that they were coming to Holland since they announced it, but I couldn't find anyone to go with me until my friends ask if there was anyone to go with.
My day was simple meeting with my friend and his friend and we took the train to Utrecht. We were 3 hours early in Utrecht so we went for some food at KFC. We then went to look for the right bus as none of us are familiar in that surrounding. After finding the right bus and got to the right place we met up with everyone else that are going to see A(エース). With 2 whole hours to go were just messing around and talking and listening to music outside. As time was going by the doors opened (YAAAY). Once everyone was inside everyong put their bags away, buy stuffs, etc. Then the door opened to the stage we got in waited AND THEN A(エース) came on stage. Obviously everyone went crazy.
Pictures & Videos
Picture previews:
Toshi - Bass has light brown hair, Nimo - Vocals and has black hair and a pirate hat on, Rookie Fiddler - Violin and has blond hair with braids.
I really liked Toshi solo and Rookie Fiddler violing parts were so beautiful. Also when I was filming Rookie Fiddler and he saw that I was filming him, he tend to stay longer in sight for me to film him. Nimo english was cute and I really like how he include the audience when he was singing was so nice. They all have such a big stage presence.
I was using my 12 megapixel camera in the beginning and the picture and videos turned out worse then the ones I took with my Iphone4 -_-
BUT that was ok because most important was that I enjoyed the concert. I was happy that I was able to see A(エース) live and so close.