This time the review is the crackle nail polish from China Glaze. I now already own them for about 4/5 months and I have to admmit. I am in love with it. So I purchased 3 different colours, they are Black Mesh (black), Oxidized aqua (light blue) and Fault Line (purple).
(left without flash, right with flash)
I have used all tree colours right now and I love the oxidized aqua the most as it is a metallic colour. As the stargazer one that i review before, I realize that there is this chemical smell in it when applied. I am assuming that it is the chemical that causes the crackle. But having to find the right colour combination was a little bit hard for me as I don't own a lot of colour except for black and some dark colours. But if you own a lot of different colours it wont be a problem to do some experiment with the colours. What I also have noticed is that when I use the Stargazer it have apply new nail polish after 2/3 weeks but with the Chine Glaze it stays perfet for at least a month before it starts off chipping.
In this picture I already have the nail polish on for about 3 weeks and it still looking like when I applied it. If it was the Stargazer it would have chipped off most of it.